Saturday, October 26, 2019

Moving Social Media Platforms

Good afternoon,
It has been a long time since I have updated this blog and that's mostly because I have moved to a different platform which is wordpress. If you're still curious to follow my bookish ramblings, you are more than welcome to follow me at the following link-
This platform will always be special to me because it helped me become more confident in sharing my ramblings about books and my love of photography. 
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
Want to find me on other media platforms?
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Would you like me to read your book in digital form or print? Please contact me here: Email

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Capturing Special Moments and Learning to Work A New Camera

I started this blog a while back to document my journey through photography. I love taking pictures though it wasn't until recently that I took the plunge and bought a camera (Nikon D5100) to help me expand my imagination. It's in the shop at the moment being worked on so I'm going a bit stir crazy. I am really bad at trying to keep updated on the pictures I take so I can't promise that there will be an update everyday but will do my best to keep more up to date. Here's a preview of some of the pictures I've captured since April.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Photo Shoot For Fun

I took the plunge and finally went to a three week photography class. I learned a lot of things not only about my camera but photography in general. It's such a shame that it was my last class this week but I hope sometime in the future I can take another one. The professor was awesome, not to mention one of my favorite photographers. Anyways, I know I have been behind on putting up pictures lately especially with a new job, classes and family stuff in general but I am going to try to put up pictures when I can. Going to start with the most recent in this blog and eventually try to get my favorite photos I've taken since last I was on here uploaded. Enjoy :)

Our instructor asked for a model for one of the classes and this gorgeous woman accepted. Let me first of all say that this woman is not only a pure joy to photograph but also to talk to. She was so easy going about the pictures that myself and my other fellow classmates were taking. It was very hard to choose which pictures I liked the best. We were asked to bring in one photo for the last day of class and though it was hard to narrow down, managed to get it down to two. So without further delay, I introduce to you the lovely Alyssa (go check out people she has modeled for, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!)